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Paper free with virtual health and safety specialist

Published by Jaanika Jelistratov on
Paper free with virtual health and safety specialist

Paper free with virtual health and safety specialist

Papers use to get lost or destroyed, i.e because of fire or water accidents. Also they are hard to find, when you have lots of them and you are in a hurry, because Labor inspection is waiting. In health and safety, do we like it or not, but documents are very important. Of course, the paper itself doesn’t protect the company against work accidents and work related diseases, but it is a proof, that you are compliant with requirements.

Why is important to store health and safety documents?

These documents are important in case of work accidents and work related disease. If something like that happens, then the company needs to prove, that everything was done correctly. When you don’t have the necessary documentation, then you have the risk to get fined or sued.

What documents needs to be stored?

  • Employees safety training cards
  • Personal Protective Equipment check card
  • Health examination cards
  • Risk assessment
  • Employees contract and job description
  • VITS will help you digitize health and safety documents.

With VITS you can store and compile health and safety documents. You don’t have to print out safety cards and take manual signatures. Safety training cards are created automatically and with just one click you can send safety training card and safety instructions to employees e-mail and the rest will done by the system. It reminds the employee, when the card hasn’t been confirmed and you will see, when it is confirmed.

All documents are connected with particular employee, so you don’t have to look trough different binders to get all necessary documents about one employee.

I hope your company don’t have to deal with the Labor Inspection or law sues, but if there is a work accident or work related disease, then with VITS you are covered.

Sounds interesting?

Book a demo, to find out more or write me an e-mail

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